Serving the Beekeeping Community
in Northern Florida & Southern Georgia
Apalachee Beekeepers Association is a fast-growing beekeeping organization in the North Florida area. Membership is for all beekeepers in the North Florida and South Georgia region, from commercial to the backyard hobbyist. Most of our members are hobbyists. All of our members are outstanding. Apalachee Beekeepers Association is an all volunteer group supporting honeybees and educating the public about the importance of honeybees. Meetings are open to the public. Visit one of our meetings/events to learn what we're all about. Use this PayPal link to donate in honor of a loved one, to support the bees and support honeybee education..
Our spring Introduction to Beekeeping Short Course program is always a huge success and
a great way to get started. The 2025 Short Course will be held Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 at the Wakulla Extension Office. The $90 fee includes an annual membership to ABA. If you’d like to be on the list to be emailed about this course, fill out this form and we’ll update you when the sign up goes live in January. We are very fortunate to have an active group of experienced beekeepers willing and able to share their knowledge and skills to the "new-bees
Join us, if you’re not already a member.
An annual family membership is only $30 and includes many wonderful benefits. Fill out this form and pay your dues here. If you wish to mail in your membership, please print this form and send with your check.
As an ABA member you have access to the "Members Only" section of the website. Use these instructions to request access. If you prefer to follow us on the go - use these instructions to add the Spaces app to access ABA to your mobile devices.
If you have questions, visit the Forum and ask (or join and be able to answer). If you seek to know more, read the Blog. When you interact with the Forum or the Blog you'll get notification of updates to your questions. Use these instructions to manage the frequency of notification.
Join the monthly meeting by RSVPing at the Upcoming Events link. Looking for more answers and resources, visit this page. And, finally, members can rent the extractor here.
Come Join In
Stay Up to Date
Monthly meeting topic, date, time, and location are listed in the upcoming events page. Monthly meetings consist of a brief business meeting, followed by a regular educational program with a great line-up of expert and outside speakers. Our Association offers hands-on teaching at club hives by appointment. When you become a member, you'll have access to the "members" section of this website and enjoy many other benefits. Pay annual dues $30 (Jan-Dec) at this link.

Learning by Doing
Whether you have your own hives, or you are still waiting to jump in completely, you can start learning-by-doing in our mentor/mentee pairing program. The first step is to become an ABA Member. Then, attend our spring Intro to Beekeeping Short Course program where you will gain the requisite knowledge to be a safe and effective beekeeper. Lastly, it's important that you attend our regular monthly meetings where you will get to know the members in your area and learn all about the local blooms, honey flows, pest management best practices, etc. Veteran beekeepers are always here to help "new bees" in need!
Submit this interest form if you are a newbee or a veteran beekeeper and would like to take part in our mentor/mentee matching program.
Here are the Guidelines.
Just send us an email if you'd like to make an appointment to meet at one of our club hives for a one-on-one lesson.

Growing the Bees
At Apalachee Beekeepers Association, we are dedicated to supporting individuals through our various initiatives.
The annual ABA Intro to Beekeeping Short Course
takes place on Saturday, February 22, 2025.
Pre-registration is required for this all day course.
Use this link to sign up.
Space is limited.
The $90 fee includes an annual membership to ABA.
If you’d like to be on the list to be emailed about the course options, fill out this form and we’ll update you.
Then, you can reserve your place online. The full day course includes membership in the Apalachee Beekeepers Association for one year, along with literature, sessions with local experts, beverages, snacks and lunch.
As a service to ABA members, Apalachee Beekeepers promotes our Nucs For Newbees program each spring. We attempt to match members selling nucs with members seeking to purchase bees. Nucs offered for sale under this program will be a 5-frame nuc with a new 2025, marked, laying queen with 5 drawn deep frames with bees, brood and food stores. Nucs should be treated for mites and have small hive beetles under control. Price of a nuc is $TBD. Contact the suppliers directly. An updated list will be posted here and on the Resources page.
Elmore Herman, Mille Bee Farm, Marianna ,
Tel:(850) 557-3409
Josh Ray, Bear Creek Apiary, Quincy, Tel: 850-510-0401
Full Moon Apiaries - Monticello, FL, Tel: 850-997-3974
Rob Kennedy - Tallahassee, FL Tel: (850) 893-2204
Shawn Moore - Tallahassee, FL Tel: (850) 544-5111
If you are interested in having an educational booth or speaker sponsored by the Apalachee Beekeepers Association at an event you are planning, send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!!

Teachable moments in the hives
Since May 2011, we have had two beehives at the location of our monthly meetings. The hives were donated by Bob Livingston and he did the work on getting them in place with a nice fence. Thanks Bob!! As we transition to a new monthly meeting location, we are offering lessons at our various club hives by appointment only. Click this link so you can bring a signed liability waiver form.
Please remember to bring your veil!
By Appointment Only:
Bob Livingston: 850-545-2432
Anton Hahna: 305-931-5266
Tony Hogg: 850-997-3974

Helping The Community
At Apalachee Beekeepers Association, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing this issue. Advocacy is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.

“If you are not confused, you're not keeping bees”