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So much to know and learn

Here at Apalachee Beekeepers Association, we know there's always more to learn.

On this page are some helpful links to a range of resource that can help.

Below you'll find:

Local Equipment Dealers

Extractor Rental Information

Links to Interesting Beekeeping Information


Bee Removals


Local equipment dealers:

  • Full Moon Apiaries - Monticello, FL

    • Tel: 850-997-3974​

  • MILLIE BEE Beekeeping Supplies - Marianna, FL

    • Tel: 850-762-2255​

  • The Bee House - Bristol, FL

    • Tel: 850-643-2929

  • Rossman Apiaries - Moultrie, GA

    • Tel: ​800-333-7677

  • Dadant & Sons - High Springs, FL​

    • Tel: 386-454-0237​


Click on the link to be directed to a flip page/downloadable PDF booklet of Honey Plants of North Florida.



Extractor Rental for Members


The Apalachee Beekeepers Association has a new extractor Maxant model 3100 9-frame extractor.
A PDF file with instructions for use are attached.

Our rental agreement must be completed prior to arranging pickup of the extractor.

We also have a new Refractometer that is available when the Extractor is rented. This is a delicate instrument.
Damaging, breaking or losing the Refractometer will cost the renter $80 to replace.
You will receive instructions for proper care and cleaning of the Refractometer.

Our rental manager is:

Brandon McKenny, 11062 Wildlife Trail, Tallahassee, FL 32312

850-703-0808 (please text this #)


Daily rental of $10/day. You have to leave a $25 cleaning deposit.
If you return the extractor clean, you get your deposit back.


DO NOT REMOVE BASKET from extractor to clean!

Renter is still responsible for damages.

Only members in good standing can rent the extractor.
A member in good standing is a member who is current in payment of dues and fees.

Please set and keep your rental appointment.

** Everyone who works for our club is a volunteer donating time.
Honor that and be where you say you're going to be when you say you're going to be there.



Click the link for the PDF for instructions and be sure to complete the rental agreement prior to picking up the extractor.


Here is a useful list of the major sources of plants that provide nectar for bees in the Panhandle region of Florida. An important consideration for “beescaping” is the provision of food year-round for bee forage. Many of these trees and plants may already thrive where you live, or you may consider planting some. The bloom times for plants will vary from place to place, but generally an important nectar source for bees in one geographic area is likely to be an important nectar source in other regions. It is also important to keep in mind that bees require large quantities of nectar and even though there may be a small patch of flowers of interest to bees close to their hive, they might only visit a quantity source of nectar farther away (perhaps the amount provided by a large tree in full bloom) and pass-up the opportunity to feed on a small patch of flowers.
















































It is also important to note that there are some floral sources that you might want to avoid.  Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) and what is known as white or summer Titi may have some chemistry that is toxic to bees. The presence of small amounts in your neighborhood may be no cause for concern however it is important to BEE aware that not all flowers are good for bees!!


For more information on Florida Bee Botany look up:

Apalachee Beekeepers Association

P.O. Box  15422

Tallahassee, FL 32317

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