Tony produced 5 nucs from the Jefferson County EO bees. He got one for managing the bee yard, one went to replace a winter loss, one was won as part of the bee course raffle and I picked up two for Leon EO. One of those went into the problem double deep hive 1&2. It was queenless and the number of bees was low. The marked Queen in hive 3 is not laying very well. The population is not strong and they still are not working the new honey super so I removed it. May need to requeen. Hive 4 is doing as it should. Very strong hive. They have the new super about half finished. Used the second nuc to start a new hive #5. Added sugar syrup to 1&2 and 5.
I gave a frame of honey from #4 to a group of young ladies and their EO staffer who were in the garden. The EO lady is a former ABA member but I can’t recall her name.