Went up to Proffitt Apiaries to pick up 5 more queens for the Leon hives. He gave me one to replace one I got from him earlier that has mysteriously died.
Dustin said he currently has plenty of queens so give him a call if you need queens
I put 3 in the two satellite hives and nuc that went queenless. Took the other two to Leon. One went into a new nuc made from bees from hives 1 & 2.
The other went into hive 3 that was honeybound with no eggs and brood and a marked queen. I caught and caged her and looked down and saw a marked queen on top of a frame. Thought I’d dropped the first one but she was caged so this was another one. Caught and caged her too and banked them both above an excluder in another hive. One will go into whichever box is queenless from the double deep 1&2 split. The other will prob go in another nuc.
Another interesting day in the bee yard.