Several folks have asked about leaving honey supers on going into winter. Some
folks are adamant: YES. Others are: What are you crazy?!
The Yes folks argue that the bees will need the extra stores during winter, and
this means you won't have to feed them.
The Are You Crazy folks argue that leaving a super on -- here in N. Florida/S. Georgia where the temperatures don't get as frigid, means the bees won't go up into a super -- but the SHB will. Push the bees into one brood box (or two if they are a strong, abundant population) and feed them as winter progresses.
If you're tired of politics, here's an argument you can give advice on. Let's hear what you have to say. Remember, you have to use your website log in to leave an answer/response.
ABA asked this question at the November meeting. Another comment for keeping it on was to remove the excluder so they can get to the honey! Here's the polling results