This year, ABA is hosting a honey taste competition for ABA members that will be judged via silent ballot by three judges. Anyone wishing to enter the competition must bring a separate container of honey with no distinguishing labels so that judging can be kept anonymous. Entries with entry form (print and attach) should be dropped off in the ABA Honey Show drop box at either the Leon County or Wakulla County Extension office (addresses on form). See all pertinent info below and bring any questions about the honey show to the October meeting!
One entry per class per family with a maximum of three entries per family. Note class on your entry form
Classes (by color): Light, medium, dark
Extracted honey must be presented in a one-pound Queen line jar. Plastic or glass will be accepted.
Exhibitor’s name must not be shown. Do not label products in any way. An identifying code sticker will be assigned to your entry at registration. Print the entry form and rubber-band it securely around your entry. Place in the extension office’s drop box
Entries will be assessed by a panel of 3 judges who are disqualified from entering their own products. Honey entries will be judged based on clarity, moisture content, taste, and overall appearance.
All honey exhibited must be the bona fide product of the entrant's own bees
All honey entries must have been produced by the member within the last 12 months.
All entries will remain on display at the Fair location. Exhibitors may retrieve their items in the future after they are displayed at the North Florida Fair.
Judging and Awards
Judging will occur on 11/01/22
Single ribbons will be given for each individual category, with a rosette awarded for best in show. Winners of the taste competition will a ribbon and receive a gift card.
How to submit
Drop all entries at either of the two local County Extension office. In order to be judged, entries must be received on or before October 31, 2022
Where to submit
Extension office locations (you do not have to live in either county):
Leon County
Address: 615 Paul Russell Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Hours: Open 8AM⋅ Closes 5PM
Phone: (850) 606-5200
Wakulla County
Address: 84 Cedar Ave, Crawfordville, FL 32327
Hours: Open 8AM ⋅ Closes 5PM
Phone: (850) 926-3931